This is a specialty boutique which has a mix of street, outdoor, and natural fashions which place importance on warmth and are particular about everything.
GIVELIFE aims at following the 5 Rs; Reduce (reducing things which are wasteful), reject (rejecting things which have bad effects on the environment), react (reacting to changes in the environment and changes in the times), recycle (recycling resources which are limited), and relax (relaxing in comfortable clothes).
We have put together a selection of high-quality brands which are particular about craftsmanship from both Japan and overseas including items which are rarely seen in Tokyo. Out items are set out in our interior which has a calm atmosphere making frequent use of natural materials such as stone and wood in the displays and fixtures.
You can definitely feel the quality of each material better in person so we invite you to drop in and feel our materials for yourself.
Photo&Text by HINE
October 24, 2012